Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

I want to be clear about this before I write about my new
article. This is not a personal attack on an actor, but an
observation about the character he portrays on the show. I
have in fact met this actor twice, and both times he was
friendly, gracious and generous with his time spent with a
fan. That being said, let me begin.
I cannot stand the character of Ryan Aloysius Lavery! In
fact, unless he is in a scene with a character I do like, I
have to FF right through it. Why does he bother me so much?
Because he: 1) is always sticking his nose in other people's
business, 2) is a hypocrite, and 3) thinks he is always
right about everything.
Ryan and Annie: When he lost his memory, and after Annie
had been through enough, I was so happy the night of the
Heart Healthy Fashion Show when Ryan finally came home, and
she had his bags packed and told him to leave. He talks a
good game of being a dad to "his children," but he is hardly
ever with Spike and pawns poor Emma off on babysitters and
sleepovers all the time. Annie might be a bit "off," but at
least, she truly wants to spend time with Emma, although her
methods may be questionable at times.
Ryan and David: When Ryan the other day burst into
Wildwind twice, I was so angry. If David had done that to
Ryan at the penthouse, he would have been arrested. Then
Ryan is upset that David was getting married on Valentine's
Day? So that was supposed to have been his wedding day a
year ago? So what? No one for the rest of time can ever be
married that day, because it belongs to him? Please.
Ryan and Greenlee: While the last time Greenlee
reappeared, I agreed with everyone that her anger was out of
line, this time I am in her corner. Ryan carries on as if
she is his one true love. Did he forget about Gillian? Yet
he is in bed with Kendall right after "identifying" her
body; and then, unlike the grief sex Kendall had with Aidan,
he continues his affair with her. When that eventually ends,
he starts this sort of chaste and quaint courtship with
Erica. As Jackson pointed out, Erica is his son's
grandmother. Ryan not only does not wait a while in a
mourning period for his great love, but has two affairs in
less than the one year Greenlee has been gone. I remember
when Leo died, Greenlee even with her many flaws did not
jump into bed or a relationship with anyone for a long time,
and the same thing when she thought Ryan had died.
Well, I could continue with so many more examples of what
an a$$ he is, but I think I have made my feelings clear.
Until next time. Have a good week!
I would love to hear from any of my readers.
Patti G
Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on
Page updated 1/19/12
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