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AMC Articles

Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G


Well it has been too long since I have written this column. However, with the news that OLTL and AMC are going to return online, it gives me cause to put forth some thoughts.

I have been watching the reruns on SOAPnet since last year, and I will go into that in a moment.

As for the new show, there are still so many unanswered questions. One, will there be a cost to watch these shows? I have not heard, does anyone know? When exactly will the shows first air? Does anyone know other than the actors mentioned on the Soap websites who else might be re-signing?

I wonder if the show will start off where it ended, with the gunshot that was heard round the world. Who did JR shoot? It is kind of ironic that many years ago another famous show, Dallas, ended a season with who shot JR?

Since VI and Lindsay Hartley (Cara Castillo) will be returning, will David finally get his shot of having a new baby to look forward to with a woman that actually cares about him and seems to be able to keep him in line?

What other characters do you want to see return and why?

As for the rerun shows for those of you that also have been watching them. Some points to ponder:

  • While I like Cameron Mathison (I have met him on two occasions and he is very gracious to fans), I cannot stand his character Ryan Lavery. Does Ryan have anything to do but harass people, especially Annie?
  • I love MCE! She was a bit bland when her character Annie first showed up in PV, but I love Crazy/Bad Annie.
  • I realized one night that all Martin doctors have names that begin with “J”. Joe, Jeff, Jamie, Jake, Josh.
  • How does Tad support himself? He also has so many people living in his house. Beside himself, KWAK, Opal, Petey, Kate, and Jenny.
  • While several women have married Adam more than once, only Annie came close to a Chandler trifecta by marrying Adam, Scott, and close to marrying JR.

Well, looking forward to writing new articles again once the show returns. As always love to hear from any one out there with your opinions or observations.

        Patti G


Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 1/27/12

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