Patti's Random Thoughts From The TV MegaSite

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Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

Happy Holiday Weekend to Everyone. Hope we all enjoy a wonderful summer. 

1.  Why is it okay for Zach to come up with “plans” and not tell Kendall, but it is wrong for her to do the same?

2.  Did Ryan really have to “kidnap” Richie and take him on a plane just to draw his blood?

3.  How is it every loose character (i.e. Richie and Ava, for example) come to town either from living on the streets or from prison and have places to live and cars. I do not see these people taking public transit around PV. Only Lily ever mentions taking the bus.

4.  Oh Adam, just a little too late forgiving KWAK.

5.  I am looking forward to the Bomb Shelter storyline. Enjoyed it the first time around. Many future stories are born from that.

6.  Really never liked the new Babe.

7.  I cannot stand listening to Ava and the stupidity that comes out of her mouth. I usually FF her scenes.

8.  Ironic that towards the end of the show, Erica gets committed to Oak Haven against her will and is outraged but she had no problem justifying what she did to Greenlee.

9.  Why are children just used as props on shows? I see nighttime shows and even commercials where the same-age kids do not act too stiff and wooden.

Well, those are some of my thoughts at the moment. Love getting feedback. Will post again when I feel I have something useful to say.

         Happy Memorial Day to all.

                           Patti G


Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on 8/17/09.

Page updated 5/25/12

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