Random Thoughts, Questions, & Ideas
By Patti G

As I have mentioned in my last few articles, I have been
re-watching AMC episodes on SOAPnet. For those of you not
watching or recording, they are re-showing the storyline for
the “Satin Slayer Murders.” I liked that story the first
time around and have noticed a few things now that I am
watching it again.
- I was premature saying we do not hear anyone mention
Greenlee. Last episode Jackson does tell Ryan he spoke
to Greenlee.
- Why did everyone take David’s word that KWAK’s baby
was Tad’s child? No one ever did any paternity tests
(first time in PV history that happening). Yes, KWAK
slept with Tad one time, but she has been married to
Adam for a while and I am guessing they have had sex
- Annie’s conversation with Jonathan that Ryan might
not ever feel the same way about her as she does for
him. That Ryan being so noble he would stick it out. She
sort of predicted the future there.
- Very sweet the way Jonathan reached out to Janet.
- Janet always told Amanda to stay away from men whose
name begins with “J”. I started thinking about all the
men she was involved with and there are a lot of “J” men
– Josh, JR, Jonathan, and Jake.
- I personally liked KWAK with Adam of all his wives.
KWAK had spunk to stand up to Adam. She was tough with
Colby but she finally got to her. She could handle JR.
She also could forgive Adam when he did something
devious, as she was not an angel herself. None of his
other wives could do that, especially Brooke who was so
morally centered.
- I thought it was ironic that when Erica was trying
to get Tad to search for Josh, she told him she wished
she could bring Dixie back to him. That is what happened
exactly at the end when she found Dixie at the Psych
Hospital and did return her to Tad.
Well, that’s about all for now. Have a great week.
I would love to hear from any of my readers.
Patti G
Read all about Patti's visit to AMC's NYC studios on
Page updated 1/29/12
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