This is a kids' show, but I really like it. It reminds me
a little bit of "Charmed!"
It's about three girls who like to bake. One of them, Kelly,
has a beloved grandma who's sick, so she goes to bake her
some brownies. She happens to find her grandma's old
cookbook, so she makes her a cake from that instead.
They find out that the recipes are magic spells, and they
figure out how to fix the spell so that it's canceled out.
Kelly is determined to figure out which spell is keeping her
grandma from communicating with the family. Just like
in "Charmed" and some other shows, magic comes with a price.
The series is based on a successful
book of the same name by Cindy Callaghan. It's a very well-done show, and the
kids are great
actors. You may recognize some of the adult actors as well,
such as Dee Wallace, who plays the grandma; or Unreal's Amy
Hill, who plays Mrs. P, or
Babylon 5's
Mira Furlan. I would recommend the show to anyone. Check it
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