Interview with Alexandra Paul from "The Bride He Bought Online" on Lifetime - Primetime TV Show Articles From The TV MegaSite

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By Suzanne

Alexandra Paul

Interview with Alexandra Paul of "The Bride He Bought Online" on Lifetime 7/17/15

Here is the audio Part 1 and Part 2 of our interview. I hope you enjoy it! She was very kind on the phone. It's always nice to chat with a veteran actress who's done a lot of work. Also check out my interview with the star of the movie, Anne Winters!

If the audio is not streaming well, please right-click on this link and save it to your computer. It should work better that way!

Here is the transcribed version by Gisele.

1. How did your part in the movie come about?

Well, I have starred in 14 Lifetime movies, so I had worked with the director [Christine Conradt] when she was writing -- She wrote several of the Lifetime movies in which I've starred. So, when she did her directorial debut, she asked me to play a part in it.

2. How long did it take to shoot?

Three weeks, which is typical for a Lifetime movie.

3. Where was it shot?

We shot in LA.

4. The role of the police detective is a pivotal one. Have you played a cop before?

Yes, I have, actually -- quite a few times in several other Lifetime movies. I've done ride-alongs with the police and gone to a shooting range to practice, so I know I've played cops at least 3 or 4 times.

5. So was it pretty comfortable for you? Or did you have to work on how to be a cop?

I'm never comfortable carrying a gun, frankly. I'm okay with the badge, but I really don't like shooting guns. I didn't have to shoot a gun in this one luckily.

6. Did you do anything special to get to know the other cast members before shooting?

Well, no. Because my character doesn't know any of them in the script, then it wouldn't be helpful to my character or my role or the film for me to get to know them. I, actually, did know Jamie Luner, however, who plays the mother of one of the young girls.

7. Why do you think kids get into pranking or bullying?

Well, this is your modern-day mean girl, and it's a very powerful position to be anonymous on the Internet, and I think that in my day, when we didn't have the Internet, kids bullied another way. I'm sure there's a brain reason why. I know that their impulse control is not developed yet when they're teenagers, so they do stupid, stupid things, and they don't think of the consequences. So that's boys, but this is girls. So, it's one of the reasons that insurance companies charge you more if you're under 25, because the impulse control is not great. So, I think it's hormonal and biological, probably some kind of learned dominance, but also because the power, in terms of -- You know, I didn't bully anybody when I was a kid, so it doesn't have to happen. I'm sure my brain wasn't much different. But, you know, the power of anonymity can make people do really cruel things, because they don't have to take responsibility for the consequences, usually. In this movie, they do. It's so complicated that I wouldn't know much about the psychological, but I think a lot of people are mean to other people because they feel bad about themselves, and it's a way for them to feel better. And especially if you're anonymous, then you can even go farther. 25% of people say they were bullied at some point or another, and that's a big number, so the topic is timely in that way.

8. What would you like fans to know about the movie?

Well, I think that this movie is interesting on several levels. First, it deals with something very timely, which is how we all communicate on the Internet through social media, but this is how you can do it in a way that is destructive. Secondly, I find it a real cautionary tale, because what happens in the end is slightly shocking. It doesn't all wrap up in a nice, neat bow. When I read the script, I actually went, "Oh, my gosh! Are they really going to do that?" [Laughs] So, I think it's a good movie for kids and adults alike to watch, because it's enjoyable, but it has an important strong message.

9. When people recognize you, is it most for Baywatch, or Melrose Place, or for the movies?

It's a lot for my Lifetime movies, but also they watch -- When people say, "Oh, you look so familiar." I just throw out "Baywatch." That's probably the one, because I was only on the last season of "Melrose Place." But you can go to my IMDb page and see if there's anything that sticks out to you. They've definitely seen me on Lifetime before. As Jamie said to me, "Alexandra, you've starred in more movies than anyone, and I think I'm second."

10. You're in great shape. What do you do to keep fit?

Well, I'm walking as I'm talking to you right now. I don't really like to sit. I do cardio six days a week, and every day I some things to move on top of that. I either lift or stretch or walk, so even on my days off, I'm moving. I just like being active. I do my conference calls walking. Like when I need to do phone calls to my mom, I'm a much better conversationalist when I'm walking, 'cause I'm not distracted by anything, and we can chat for a really long time, and I don't feel like, "Oh, I have to go and do other things." I'm more focused. Also, I'm a vegan, and I eat really well.

11. What else do you have coming out?

I have a movie called "Firequake" on the SyFy channel, and I star in that. And then I have a movie called "Dirty" which is an independent movie. In the US, "Firequake" had a DVD premiere on May 26 of this year.

Read Our Review!



The subject of cyber bullying is the topic of "The Bride He Bought Online," a thriller premiering
on July 18 on Lifetime.  It stars Anne Winters ("Tyrant," "Wicked City,") and Travis Hammer ("Dig",
What starts out as a harmless prank/blog takes a dark turn for 17-year-old Avery (Anne Winters) when her friends, Mandy(Lauren Gaw) and Kaley (Annalisa Cochrane), create a fake profile for an international dating site and begin to communicate with a lonely, socially inept computer programmer named John (Travis Hammer). Having lived a life of isolation and bullying, the humiliation he feels when he realizes he’s been duped unleashes a wrath that no one would have expected.  Jamie Luner and Alexandra Paul co-star. 

“The Bride He Bought Online” Explores the

Internet Bully Inside All of Us

Anne Winters, Travis Hammer star in Lifetime Thriller

Premiering July 18

Who is the stereotypical cyberbully?  A lonely, bitter adult with psychological issues?

Or your sweet, well-adjusted son or daughter, surfing the Net in their bedroom?  Truth is, cyberbullies can come in all shapes, sizes and age groups—as explored in
The Bride He Bought Online,” premiering Saturday, July 18 (8pm ET/PT) on Lifetime.

The thriller tells how three seemingly innocent teenagers cyberbully a vulnerable male computer programmer with devastating results.

Starring Anne Winters (“Tyrant”), Lauren Gaw, and Annalisa Cochrane (“Baby Daddy”), the story follows three teens who create a fake profile on an international dating site to gather fodder for their increasingly popular joke blog.

When a lonely, unstable computer programmer named John Bennett (Travis Hammer, “Dig”)) responds to their ad, the prank evolves into all-out cyberbullying as the teens decide to emotionally destroy Bennett in order to satisfy their increasingly ravenous fans.

Posing as a beautiful woman who is looking for a husband, they trick Bennett into falling in love with a fictional person, so seduced are they by the lure of internet celebrity.  “The scary truth is, we all have the ability to become predators if we want,” says writer/director Christine Conradt. “The anonymity of the Internet has created both crimes and criminals that never previously existed. Because people can hide behind a screen name, they say and do things online that they never would do in person. The Internet creates opportunities for crimes without consequence.

“The Bride He Bought Online” is a Shadowland Production.  Pierre David and Tom Berry are the Executive Producers.  Producers are Ken Sanders and Robert Ballo.  The film was written by the prolific.Christine Conradt, who makes her directorial feature debut.  Jamie Luner and Alexandra Paul co-star.

 Check out the movie’s Facebook page or watch the trailer at Lifetime Network’s website.


In 2015, Alexandra has 3 movies being released: The SyFy movie FireQuake, the independent movie Dirty, and the Lifetime movie The Bride He Bought Online.

The star of over 75 feature films and television programs and internationally recognized for her 5 year starring role as Lt. Stephanie Holden in the tv series BAYWATCH, Alexandra Paul began her acting career at age 18 starring in the highly rated telefilm PAPER DOLLS . She starred in the feature film AMERICAN FLYERS, opposite Kevin Costner, DRAGNET opposite Tom Hanks & Dan Ackroyd, EIGHT MILLIONS WAYS TO DIE opposite Jeff Bridges & Andy Garcia, SPYHARD with Leslie Nielsen, Stephen King’s CHRISTINE, and two films opposite Pierce Brosnan.

Alexandra was featured in the acclaimed 2005 documentary WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR?

For 4 years, Alexandra hosted the extreme sports series WILD WATERS on the Outdoor Life Network, in addition to hosting the WE network series WINNING WOMEN for two seasons. She also hosted 150 episodes of the environmental cable access talk show EARTH TALK TODAY.

Alexandra was honored by the ACLU of Southern California as their 2005 Activist of the Year for her long history of fighting for the environment, voting rights and peace issues. In 1997 the United Nations commended Alexandra for her environmental activism. In 1999, she won the International Green Cross award. She walked across America for over five weeks on The Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament, and has been arrested over a dozen times for protesting at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. In 2005, she spent 5 days in jail for peacefully protesting the Iraq War.

In 2014, Alexandra was awarded Vegan of the Year from Last Chance for Animals. A dedicated and accomplished athlete as well, in 1997, Alexandra raced the WORLD IRONMAN TRIATHLON CHAMPIONSHIPS in Hawaii (a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run), which she completed in 13:18:52. In 2012, Alexandra swam around 12.5 miles around Key West. In November, 2014, Alexandra swam 13.7 miles in Mexico in 7 hours 20 minutes. Alexandra has been driving electric cars since 1990 and in 2011 was the spokesperson for the Chevrolet Volt. Alexandra does not use any products tested on animals. She has traveled to Nicaragua with a medical aid group, to Louisiana to help animals after Hurricane Katrina, to South Africa to register voters, to Sierra Leone to promote family planning and to Japan to protest the wild dolphin trade. She was a certified EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) for 23 years, registered voters once a week for 16 years, and speaks fluent French. She now cooks and serves vegan meals to the homeless every Thursday evening in Los Angeles.

In addition, Alexandra wrote, produced and hosted JAMPACKED, an educational film broadcast on PBS about the human overpopulation crisis,which has won several environmental awards. She followed that up with THE COST OF COOL — FINDING HAPPINESS IN A MATERIALISTIC WORLD, which won a CineEagle award. In 1986, she founded YOUNG ARTISTS UNITED, a non­profit organization dedicated to helping teenagers in need. Alexandra has also personally spoken, classroom by classroom, to over six thousand Los Angeles teenagers on the issue of human overpopulation. She has a TEDx talk on the issue that has been watched 65,000 times. In 2000, Alexandra and her twin sister Caroline were the recipients of the Christopher Street West Rainbow Award for their ongoing support of gay and lesbian rights.  

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