James Patrick Stuart - All My Children Q&A From The TV MegaSite

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Q&A with James Patrick Stuart
April, 2012 by Suzanne

James Patrick Stuart (ex-Will) is very active on Twitter and posts often. Since his character on Supernatural this season is Dick Roman, the evil head Leviathan (they eat people), he has jokingly nicknamed his Twitter fans either Dickheads or Twicks. Yes, there are a lot of "Dick" jokes. He has a good sense of humor.

He was kind enough to answer some of my questions on Twitter. He seems to be very nice! I thought I saw him in a movie last year on Lifetime about the Prince getting married, but he was nice enough to tell me on Twitter that it wasn't him. The person was only shown for a few seconds, but it sure did look a lot like him!

There are a lot of celebrities on Twitter, and sometimes, if you are lucky, they will reply to you. Stuart has been great in that regard. He is very open and kind to his fans on there.

I mentioned that I was a big fan of his from way back when he started on All My Children. He said, "Wow... Will Cortlandt was a long time ago. You have a good memory."

I told him, "Naw, I'm just old". But seriously, I have been watching AMC since about 1984. He played Hayley's boyfriend and Dixie's brother, Will. He tried to rape Hayley but then was killed by Janet, the "crow bar killer". It was only the early 90's, not that long ago...

I said on Twitter that the first Will, Lonnie Quinn, was really cute, but that he, Stuart, is a much better actor. I also noted that Quinn is now a big-time weatherman in New York City.

He kindly defended Quinn by saying, "Have you ever seen Lonnie do the weather? He is excellent! An absolute natural." And he's right, I checked it out online and you can see Quinn in some video clips. He's amazing! I'm glad he went on to be successful.

I really, really, liked Lonnie Quinn back when he was on AMC. He came to our mall when I was living in Normal, Illinois, and we all showed up in the early AM on a Saturday to see him and hear him talk. I didn't even get close enough to get a good picture - that's how mobbed it was. Not many "celebrities" came to our town, and everyone watched AMC back then.

I guess AMC decided they wanted to turn Will into a bad guy, so they hired Stuart, who is very good at playing a bad guy, to replace him. I have watched him guest-star in many shows over the years since then. He actually got his start as a child actor in "Galactica 1980" 32 years ago. He doesn't look that old, though. He's still gorgeous!

He was on the hit TVLAND show "Hot in Cleveland" a few times in the past couple of years. I asked him if was going to appear again.

He said, "I hope so. No invite as of yet, but I'm sure I'll be back. Love those gals."

I also asked Stuart what his thoughts were on the recent cancellation of All My Children. He replied, "I was heartbroken for the cast and crew. Well paid, specific skill set... Made redundant and thrown on their asses overnight."

I told him how great he was on "Supernatural" as Dick. He looks to be having a lot of fun. He did not reply to me personally on that point, but he has tweeted to his fans that he loves all of his "Dick" fans, and he thanks them quite often.

I had asked him about the makeup of the fat suit on "Hot in Cleveland", but he had already answered another fan, saying it took 4 hours.

Another question I had wanted to ask him about working with Felicia Day on "Supernatural" was answered: "How was it working with Felicia? She's very, very good. Well prepared... Charming." She has a huge fan following, especially among scifi fans, so she was a great guest-star on "Supernatural".

Another fan asked him about his favorite TV shows. He replied that he never misses "Walking Dead" on AMC or "Downtown Abbey" on PBS. Two great shows!

I also tweeted to Cady McClain (who played Dixie, Will's sister) "Did you know that both of your brothers from AMC are on Twitter, one has been on lots of TV & the other an NYC weatherman?" and she replied, "Well, how cool is that?" I'm a big fan of hers, too.

You can follow James Patrick Stuart on Twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/japastu and Cady McClain at https://twitter.com/#!/realcadymcclain  They both post often. Lonnie Quinn is at http://twitter.com/#!/lonniequinn but he does not post very often.

Don't forget to watch "Supernatural" every Friday on The CW, and especially the season finale (and possibly the end of "Dick") May 18th!

Page updated 5/8/12

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