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The CW Thursday September 15, 2016, 9:00pm
Beauty and the Beast "Au Revoir" (Series Finale, HD) Video Clips
SERIES FINALE – Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Cat (Kristin Kreuk) are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to stop an attack and rid the world of beast makers once and for all. Austin Basis, Nicole Gale Anderson, Nina Lisandrello and Michael Roark also star. Stuart Gillard directed the episode, written by Mike Gemballa (#413). Original airdate 9/15/2016.

The CW Thursday September 8, 2016, 9:00pm
Beauty and the Beast "No Way Out" (All New!, HD)
VINCENT STRUGGLES TO CONTAIN HIS INNER BEAST – Cat (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent (Jay Ryan) face a huge setback when Vincent is secretly interrogated about an impending attack, putting Vincent at his breaking point. Austin Basis, Nicole Gale Anderson, Nina Lisandrello and Michael Roark also star. PJ Pesce directed the episode, written by Austin Badgett and Gillian Horvath (#412). Original airdate 9/8/2016.

The CW Thursday August 25, 2016, 9:00pm BEAUTY AND THE BEAST
“Meet the New Beast” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV) V Video Clips
VINCENT AND CAT CONSIDER LIFE ON THE RUN – When Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Cat (Kristin Kreuk) discover they lost control of their secret, they finally admit it might be time for life on the run. Vincent realizes he must face his past, while Cat worries about how much they have to lose. Austin Basis, Nicole Gale Anderson, Nina Lisandrello and Michael Roark also star. David Makin directed the episode, written by Patti Carr and Lara Olsen (#411). Original airdate 8/25/2016.

The CW Thursday August 11, 2016 9:00pm
Beauty and the Beast "Means to an End" (All New!, HD) Video Clips
VINCENT IS FORCED TO PROVE HIMSELF – Vincent (Jay Ryan) is forced to undergo a series of tests orchestrated by the mystery buyer in order to keep from being exposed. Cat (Kristin Kreuk), JT (Austin Basis) and Heather (Nicole Gale Anderson) work to exonerate Vincent. Nina Lisandrello and Michael Roark also star. David MacLeod directed the episode, written by Melissa Glenn (#410). Original airdate 8/11/2016.

The CW Thursday July 28, 2016, 9:00pm Beauty and the Beast "The Getaway" (All New!, HD)
VINCENT RISKS BEING EXPOSED – Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Cat (Kristin Kreuk) fight to reclaim some normalcy to their lives, even as the threats of a beast bounty and a DHS manhunt loom. Meanwhile, Tess (Nina Lisandrello) takes a huge risk by protecting Vincent from a nosy reporter. Austin Basis, Michael Roark and Nicole Gale Anderson also star. Stuart Gillard directed the episode, written by Benjamin Raab and Deric A. Hughes (#409). Original airdate 7/28/2016.  Video Clip

The CW Thursday July 21, 2016, 9:00pm Beauty and the Beast "Love is a Battlefield" (All New!, HD)  Video Clips
ANNALYNNE MCCORD GUEST STARS – Vincent (Jay Ryan) goes undercover with a sexy operative (guest star AnnaLynne McCord), who Cat (Kristin Kreuk) discovers is an assassin. Vincent has to play both sides, while Cat has to convince DHS she can still be trusted. Austin Basis, Nina Lisandrello, Michael Roark and Nicole Gale Anderson also star. Farhad Mann directed the episode, written by Vanessa Rojas (#408). Original airdate 7/21/2016.

The CW Thursday July 14, 2016, 9:00pm Beauty and the Beast "Point of No Return" (All New!, HD)
VINCENT GOES INTO HIDING – With Vincent (Jay Ryan) in hiding and Cat’s (Kristin Kreuk) job on the line, they must re-group about how to bring down the people hunting beasts. Vincent tries to infiltrate a private army, while Cat scrambles to obtain information and hopes that no one at work discovers her ulterior motives. Austin Basis, Nina Lisandrello, Michael Roark and Nicole Gale Anderson also star. Jill Carter directed the episode, written by Gillian Horvath (#407). Original airdate 7/14/2016. Video Clips

The CW Thursday July 7, 2016 9:00pm Beauty and the Beast "Beast of Times, Worst of Times" (All New!, HD) Trailer
VINCENT AND CAT END UP ON OPPOSITE SIDES – Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Cat (Kristin Kreuk) discover that there is another nemesis out to get Vincent, which brings the gang closer together in more ways than one. Cat and Vincent are forced on opposite sides of the law, which puts their relationship in jeopardy. Austin Basis, Nina Lisandrello, Michael Roark and Nicole Gale Anderson also star. Norma Bailey directed the episode, written by Patti Carr (#406). Original airdate 7/7/2016.

The CW Thursday June 30, 2016, 9:00pm
Beauty and the Beast "It's A Wonderful Beast" (All New!, HD)
VINCENT LEARNS WHAT LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE WITHOUT CAT – Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Cat (Kristin Kreuk) realize they have to go into hiding now that someone is out to kill Vincent. Vincent wonders if Cat would have been better off without him and gets a glimpse into exactly what her life could have been. Austin Basis, Nina Lisandrello and Nicole Gale Anderson also star. Stuart Gillard directed the episode, written by Melissa Glenn (#405). Original airdate 6/30/2016.

The CW Thursday June 23, 2016, 9:00pm
Beauty and the Beast "Something's Gotta Give" (All New!, HD) Video Clips
VINCENT HAS A TARGET ON HIS BACK – While working to uncover who is after Vincent (Jay Ryan), Cat (Kristin Kreuk) discovers she might be pregnant. A lead Vincent follows puts his life in jeopardy. Meanwhile, J.T. (Austin Basis) gets kidnapped in a case of mistaken identity. Nina Lisandrello and Nicole Gale Anderson also star. Steven A. Adelson directed the episode, written by John E. Pogue (#404). Original airdate 6/23/2016.

The CW Thursday June 16, 2016 9:00pm
Beauty and the Beast "Down for the Count" (All New!, HD)
CAT AND VINCENT STRUGGLE TO LIVE ORDINARY LIVES - While attempting to be normal newlyweds, Cat (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent (Jay Ryan) grapple with how to overcome the danger lurking. They find themselves in the fight of their lives when their happiness becomes jeopardized. Nina Lisandrello, Austin Basis and Nicole Gale Anderson also star. Don McCutcheon directed the episode, written by Benjamin Raab and Deric A. Hughes (#403). Original airdate 6/16/2016.

THE CW Thursday June 2, 2016 - 9:00pm - Beauty and the Beast: Monsieur et Madame Bete (Season Premiere, HD)
VINCENT AND CAT’S HONEYMOON GETS CUT SHORT — Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Cat’s (Kristin Kreuk) wedded bliss comes to a halt when they learn from J.T. (Austin Basis) that someone is trying to expose the identities of beasts. While on the hunt to find out who is behind the threat, Tess (Nina Lisandrello) is reluctant to help since they are all trying to move forward with an attempt at normal lives. Nicole Gale Anderson also stars. Stuart Gillard directed the episode written by Brad Kern (#401). Original airdate 6/2/2016.  Video Clip

THE CW Thursday September 10, 2015 8:00pm - Beauty and the Beast: Destined (Season Finale, HD)
SEASON FINALE - Cat (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent (Jay Ryan) will be forced to work together as a couple in ways they never have before if they hope to defeat their destined foe in Liam (guest star Jason Gedrick), who will do everything he can to expose Vincent as a beast in order to destroy their love. Austin Basis, Nina Lisandrello and Nicole Gale Anderson also star. Stuart Gillard directed the episode written by Brad Kern (#313). Original airdate 9/10/2015. Trailer  If they work together, can Vincent and Catherine get their happy ending?


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Page updated 9/11/16

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