Young & The Restless Top Ten Lists From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Top Ten List Pages

Y&R Top Ten Lists

Top Ten List #3
The Ten Commandments of Living in Genoa City
By Bethany

1. Thou shalt have no other man besides Victor.  I mean he has looks, money, money, and money.  What else could a girl want? Three out of four ain't bad.

2.Thou shalt not have a big, huge picture of Victor in the office where the rest of us have to look at him.  Diane, you broke this commandment.

3.Victor, thou shalt not say, "I'll be damned." the next time that you lose your cool.

4. Remember that you are on call 24/7 for the great and powerful Oz, oops, wrong post, Victor.

5.Honor thy father and thy mother and give them grandchildren when they demand them. Paul, you and buggie girl better get busy and or buy Mary some yarn so she can knit herself one.

6.Thou shalt not kill. Shelia Carter, are you still out there? David Kimble, are you listening? Oh I forget, you bought the farm when you went down the chute trying to get away from Dick Tracy aka Paul and had your dreams "crushed".

7.Thou shalt not commit adultery. Attention Y&R actors and actresses, please report to the studio for the adulterer's pictures. Those excluded from this shoot are Cassie Newman, Noah Newman, Nate Hastings, Lillie Winters, Phillip Chancellor IV, Mary Williams and any new staff additions that are under ten.  Billy, Raul, Rianna, JT, Brittney, and Mac, please respond accordingly as the adultery patrol has been busy and hasn't had time to access your status.

8. Thou shalt not steal.  Diane Jenkins, Nikki Newman, and Ashley Abbott, you have all committed the same crime. Ashley you can redeem yourself by providing a paternity test providing that it isn't done by Phyllis Somers Romalotti.

9.Do not lie on your neighbor. Matt Clark, shame on you. Did you know that you can't question the great and powerful Oz, oop.  I have to remember where I am.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy brother's wife, his children.  I need to see Olivia Winters, Malcolm Winters, Neil Winters, Drucilla Winters and Lillie Winters.  Be prepared to supply a blood sample for paternity testing because I hear through the rumor mill that this nonsense has gone on long enough.

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Page updated 8/21/12

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