Young & The Restless Top Ten Lists From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Top Ten List Pages

Y&R Top Ten Lists

Top Ten List #20

Fashion Tips of Genoa City

by Jennifer T.

10) Never ask Yolanda Hamilton (Devon's mother) for clothes. Then you will be looking ugly.

9) Never ask Yolanda to do your make-up.

8) You always want to look cool but not Tom Fisher's cool.

7) Never have a saddlebag on your motorcycle. Then you are asking for trouble.

6) Never accept diamond earrings from Brad if you are going to question his motives.

5) Whatever you do, don't ask Nikki Newman for fashion tips or you will be looking like a clown.

4) Never try to look bad when you are nursing.

3) Never wear a bathing suit in an office. It takes that professional look away.

2) Somebody please take Victor Newman shopping.

1) That necklace that has poison on it really went out of style.

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Page updated 8/21/12

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