Young & The Restless Top Ten Lists From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Top Ten List Pages

Y&R Top Ten Lists

Top Ten List #2
By Gillian

The Top Ten Occupations Most Suited for the Staff of Newman Enterprises!

Don't quit your day job! This week's top ten looks at what would happen if all the execs quit Newman Enterprises and found work appropriate to their here goes...

10. For Ryan: Spokesman for the Just For Men hair care product. How to and how not to style your hair.

9. For Nick: A bullfighter in Spain - for the hot-tempered, daredevil type.

8. For Brad: A model - he's got not just the looks, but the ego as well.

7. For Grace: A belly dancer - she never could keep herself fully dressed!

6. For Neil: A librarian - sometimes it's better to surround yourself with books instead of people.

5. For Victoria: A magician's assistant - you know, the kind who wear sparkly costumes and have knives thrown at them.

4. For Jill: a Wicca coven leader - a little black magic, anyone?

3. For Jack: A politician - he's got the lies, deceptions and cover-ups perfected to a tee.

2. For Ashley: A crime-fighting superhero - ready to tackle the injustices of the world and expose all the dirty little plots she can sniff out.

1. For Victor: A prison warden - for the totalitarian, authoritarian, control-freak side of his personality. He always did like controlling everyone's every move, every moment of the day!

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Page updated 8/21/12

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