Young & The Restless Top Ten Lists From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Top Ten List Pages

Y&R Top Ten Lists

Top Ten List #1
By Gillian

The Top Ten Reasons why Jill has turned to drink

10. After all she did to support Victor he still thinks she's untrustworthy.

9. After all she did to support Jack's plan to separate Jabot he still thinks she's untrustworthy.

8. That interfering Mamie came back just to torment her.

7. Ever since Ryan started working for Victor she hasn't had the opportunity to fantasize about him with his clothes off.

6. That darn dog she bought to annoy Kay keeps peeing on all the Newman Enterprises files she brings home.

5. Esther keeps hiding her slippers.

4. After all this time everybody's come back to Genoa City EXCEPT Jed Sanders.

3. That know-it-all, Victoria Newman.

2. She only ran into the new, younger & improved Keith Dennison once - and he left before she could trap him into the "for old times' sake" routine

1. The fear that Billy's mouth and attitude are turning him into a younger version of...Jack Abbott!

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Page updated 8/21/12

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