Young & The Restless Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Trivia Quiz Pages

Y&R Trivia Quizzes

June/July 2003--Quiz #2--Y&R--"Business Adventures"
By Kathy

1.  What 2 major companies are going head-to-head?

                a.  Tuvia & Jabot 

                b.  Katherine Industries & Jabot

                c.  Katherine Industries & Newman Enterprises

                d.  Jabot & Newman Enterprises

2.  Who's the new kid on the block everyone wants?

                a.  Phyllis

                b.  Brittany

                c.  Damon

                d.  Dru

3.  Who swiped Neil's business card with Damon Porter's name on it?

                a.  Dru

                b.  Phyllis

                c.  Victoria

                d.  Damon

4.   Who does Victor want to take over his company?

                a.  Victoria

                b.  Neil

                c.  Nick

                d.  Damon

5.  She's been daydreaming at the office about D....(7/1/03 show)....

                a.  Phyllis

                b.  Victoria

                c.  Nikki

                d.  Jill

6.  The "hot enough for you" commercials show all the following characters except:

                a.  Dru

                b.  Nikki

                c.  Phyllis

                d.  Damon

7.  What company is going downhill?  (Phyllis discovered this.)

                a.  Fenmore's             

                b.  Marone

                c.  Jabot

                d.  Newman Enterprises

8.  Who's in charge of Jabot?

                a.  Jill

                b.  Jack

                c.  John

                d.  Brad

9.  Jabot is this kind of company...

                a.  Music industry

                b.  Clothing store

                c.  Modeling business

                d.  Cosmetics company

10. Cosmetics line...

                a.  Satine

                b.  Victory

                c.  Magic

                d.  Freedom


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