Young & The Restless Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Trivia Quiz Pages

Y&R Trivia Quizzes

The Young & the Restless Mega Quiz
by Dani


1. What was the date (month and date) Young & the Restless first aired?

2. Bill Bell had worked for CBS for years before Y&R, what show did he write for during the radio years?

3. Young & the Restless was not the original title for the now popular daytime drama. What was it’s first title?

4. In 1973 who was the publisher of the Genoa City Chronicle?

5. Who is the youngest of the Foster children?

6. What current Bold & the Beautiful actor played on Y&R in 1976?

7. The character of Jill introduced what major character?

8. What is Paul Williams’ favorite meal?

9. In 1977 Liz Foster’s husband passed away and donated a part of his body to science. David Mallory was the recipient. What did Bill Foster donate to the medical community?

10. Before Victor Newman Nikki was married. To who? During the same time what current character proclaimed he was in love with Nikki?

11. Jill sued what Genoa City resident in 1982? Why? And for how much?

12. Before Neil and Malcolm, there were another pair of African American brothers in Genoa City. One was successful and the other more streetwise, just like Neil and Malcolm. Both fought for the affection of Amy Lewis. What were the names of the brothers?

13. What did John Abbott receive that told him Jill had slept with another man?

14. What was the name of Leanna Love’s first book?

15. In 1988 two characters were held hostage and locked away. Who were these characters and who held them captive? (hint: the storylines were not related)

16. Katharine found love again in the late 80’s. What was her new love interest’s place in life/society? Who did he end up being biologically related to?

17. Off and on for years Jill had a personal assistant who tried to romance her. What was his name? And who did he finally marry when his advances towards Jill were denied?

18. Danny left Cricket behind in Genoa City to assume lead role in what popular musical?

19. Victor was presumed dead from a fiery car crash in the early 90’s. A local farmer housed Victor and helped in his recovery. This single woman had a physical handicap. What was wrong with Victor’s hostess?

20. Cricket formed a friendship with a local restaurant worker. It wasn’t long Cricket learned her friend had a son she had to leave behind before immigrating to the US. What western country did Cricket and Paul visit to locate Cricket’s friend, Laun’s son? Upon their arrival with Laun’s son the PI lawyer duo discovered the father of Laun’s son was a Genoa City resident, who was he?

21. Cricket was the presumed victim of a hit and run. Paul jumped in the way to save Cricket from the speeding car headed right for her. Paul was injured pretty bad but the case was never solved. Who was behind the wheel?

22. Paul and Chris finally made it down the aisle but on their honeymoon they discovered what sea creature had been planted in their bed?

23. Two current B&B actresses played on Y&R during the same time. Who are they? a. actresses’ names ? b. characters’ names on B&B AND Y&R?

24. Today JT is Paul’s PI partner. Paul has had two previous partners, who were they?

25. What Y&R actor is married to the former “Barker Beauty”, Holly?


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Page updated 8/21/12

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