Young & The Restless Q&A From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Q&A Pages

Y&R Interviews

Cady McClain Q&A by Suzanne

We're huge fans of Cady McClain! We host a site about her at She's an amazing Emmy-winning actress who's done fantastic work in "All My Children" (as Dixie), "As the World Turns" (as Rosanna) and "Young & The Restless" (as Kelly), as well as many TV and movie roles. She's also written, directed and produced her own work.

Now she's working towards making a documentary series about women directors. Please donate to her project!

She was kind enough to answer a few questions for us on Twitter.

1. What gave you the idea to make this documentary series?

Cady: I was really ready to commit to a new phase in my career, but I felt like there were so few women out there directing. I felt compelled to talk to the ones I could find and learn how they persevered.

2. Do you still plan to act as well as to direct?

Cady: When people call me and ask, I generally say yes. It's the trotting down a job part of acting I'm not such a fan of. I don't mind doing it for directing so much, but auditioning just sucks.

3. I can imagine! Who is your favorite film director?

Cady: Right now, I'm a big fan of Leah Meyerhoff!

4. I'll have to check out her work. Can you name a woman or women who were your inspiration(s) growing up?

Cady: This is going to sound weird, but we grew up going to the theater a lot, and the musical Evita was so impressive. I think Patti Lupone's "Evita" was a really impressive model of a woman I'd never seen before. Powerful, ambitious, yet cared about her country greatly.

I also was deeply impressed by Zoe Caldwell's "Medea." I'd never seen such a powerful character of a woman. These women, even though they were just characters, really had a huge impression on me.

5. Great, thanks! Anything else you'd like to add, to your fans who visit our site? About your project or anything else?

I'd say thanks so much for the incredible support of all my work! I make a lot of things, and I'm always keeping the audience in mind, hoping that I can make someone laugh, or feel less alone. That's usually my motivation.

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Page updated 12/10/16

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