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The Young and The Restless History Pages

Y&R History

Year in Review 1991 by Christopher Lawrence Menard

Death For Cassandra / Money For Brad

As the year began, Cassandra Rawlins launched her revenge plot against Brad. She slipped him a potent drug, rendering him unconscious, and flew him to Las Vegas where they were married in a quickie ceremony for which he was barely awake and functioning. He finally regained consciousness at a resort in Aspen, where he awoke to find himself in bed with Cassandra, stranded in a snowstorm. He was furious at being kept from an important meeting with Traci, and confused about the process that led to his marrying Cassandra. 

When they finally returned to GC, Traci was heartbroken to learn of his new union with the blonde vixen. In time, Brad was able to convince her that he did not love Cassandra, and did not know why or how they’d been married. With Traci’s help, Brad was able to have the unusual marriage annulled. At the hearing, he and Cassandra agreed to part amicably, without laying claim to one another’s financial assets. As the hearing ended, a distraught Cassandra rushed to see Paul, her never-forgotten great love. However, before they could meet, she was fatally struck by a transport.  

At the reading of Cassandra’s will, Paul was stunned to learn she had made him her sole heir. However, before he could claim the fortune and celebrate his sudden status as a multi-millionaire, an unexpected turn of events occurred: The judge who presided over Brad and Cassandra’s divorce died suddenly before he had signed their papers. This meant Brad was the legal heir to Cassandra’s vast fortune. Paul was devastated and enraged, while Brad became the one to celebrate his sudden luck.

The Shocking Baby Switch Saga Begins

Pregnant and rebuilding her broken marriage, Lauren struggled with the knowledge that Sheila was also pregnant with Scott’s baby. Meanwhile, Sheila’s pregnancy took a turn for the worst when she went into extremely premature labour and was rushed to the hospital, where her child was stillborn. Realizing she needed the baby if she hoped to maintain a hold of any kind on Scott, Sheila quickly plotted, purchased a pregnancy pad and faked her pregnancy to keep everyone convinced she was expecting the child of Dr. Scott Grainger.

When Lauren’s own labour began, Paul was with her, and delivered a healthy baby boy. Sheila immediately rushed out of town, phoned Scott and announced that she had given birth to a baby boy while visiting her parents in Michigan. She then purchased a child from a shifty baby broker, and returned to town with the baby. Once there, she immediately rushed to the hospital, focused on the diabolical act she was about to commit.

Convinced that it wasn’t enough to simply have a child, but that it had to belong – legitimately – to Scott, Sheila switched her brokered baby with Lauren’s child in the hospital nursery. She then falsified the medical records, and watched gleefully as Lauren’s baby was delivered to her. But there was a glitch: Lauren immediately noticed that her son was missing a birthmark she’d spotted on him immediately after the labour. Sheila bypassed the problem by later having the birthmark surgically removed.

Believing Sheila had given birth to his son, and intent on making a life for himself that he could be happy with, Scott begged Lauren to hurry their divorce so he could marry the other mother of his son. Disappointed that Scott was dumping her for the wicked nurse, Lauren revealed that she had just given birth to a baby boy, but insisted the child was the result of an extra-marital affair. Scott didn’t realize she was lying merely to maintain some pride, and simply considered it further proof they were not meant to be together.

Soon after, Scott and Sheila were wed in the hospital chapel. With tears in her eyes, Lauren stood in the back of the chapel and watched as they exchanged their vows. Finally, Sheila had everything she’d ever wanted. But then her mother, Molly Carter, arrived in town and – in quick time – realized her daughter’s evil scheme. She was intent on telling Lauren the truth, and foiling Sheila’s marriage built on lies, but suffered a stroke on the way to Lauren’s office, and was left temporarily paralysed and unable to speak.

In time, Lauren began visiting Molly, so a worried Sheila orchestrated an elaborate scheme to make it appear as though Molly had attempted suicide She then had her committed to a mental institution, hoping this would keep her and Lauren far away from one another.

But for Lauren, life was about to bring complications and heartbreak like she’d never experienced before. In a stunning turn of events, the baby boy she’d named Dylan took ill. A short time later, he died from meningitis. Lauren was devastated and suffered intense grief that drove her to desire another child to fill the void. She seduced Paul, hoping to become pregnant, and located Molly at the Sanitarium. There, she began visiting Sheila’s mother regularly, while Molly – still unable to speak – struggled to tell Lauren the truth about her daughter and the baby switch. When Sheila got word of Lauren’s visits, she acted fast, transferring her mother to an out-of-town institution where Lauren could no longer have such easy access.

Love, Sex & Drugs Rock The Newmans

For Nikki, the year began with a desperate dependency on drugs and booze to fight increasingly intense chronic back pain. Jack warned his wife she was becoming an addict, but she ignored him and demanded he mind his own business. New complications arose when Victoria, Victor and Nikki’s grown daughter, returned from the Swiss Boarding School she’d been attending. Less than thrilled to learn of her parent’s new spouses, she vowed to destroy their marriages and see them reunited. She took a summer job at Jabot and immediately became involved with the much older, sexy trainee, Ryan MacNeil. He wasted no time seducing the pure, young Newman heiress, who was smitten within a month.

Because of Victoria’s constant interference, Victor and Ashley’s marriage unravelled and they agreed to a separation. During this time, Ashley began spending time with her former flame, Brad, much to the annoyance of her sister, Traci. Still harbouring feelings for the man who’d gotten away more than once, Traci was desperate to be reunited with Brad. She so distrusted Ashley that – even when Victor and Ash resumed their marriage – Traci believed that Ashley was in love with Brad and wouldn’t give up until she’d nabbed him for herself.

As Victoria began a sexual relationship with Ryan, she was overwhelmed by fear of pregnancy, AIDS or STD’s. She went to Ashley and admitted she’d lost her virginity. Ash took her to a clinic for testing, where both were relieved she was neither pregnant nor disease infected. It was Ash’s interest in her well-being that led Victoria to let go of the resentment she’d held against her stepmother for so long, and a new relationship of trust developed between the two. Meanwhile, Nikki sought treatment for her drug addiction at a rehab clinic, but quickly signed out, unable to face the challenges. So Victor, now aware of the truth of her drug dependency, vowed to help his ex-wife kick the habit. Victoria was thrilled.

The Return Of The Great Dina Mergeron

Traci discovered her single night of lovemaking with Brad had resulted in pregnancy, and feared he would think she’d manipulated him into feeling obligated to marry her. But Brad surprised the youngest Abbott by insisting he was thrilled by the prospect of marriage and fatherhood, and proposed marriage. The Abbott family immediately celebrated the happiness of one of their own, while Dina Mergeron – the matriarch who’d abandoned them all years before – returned to town for her daughter’s wedding and became immediately involved again with ex-husband, John.

The sudden romance infuriated Jill, who – when John proposed to Dina – hired Paul to investigate the woman’s whereabouts while she’d been away from GC and her family. Paul uncovered information about Dina’s various affairs, held while she’d supposedly been recovering from tuberculosis in a Sanitarium. Jill presented the findings to John, who immediately called off his wedding to Dina. She left town shortly thereafter, and Jill immediately set out to win John back. However, rather than finding the path to him clear, Jill encountered another obstacle in the form of Leanna Love.

Olivia & Nathan / Drucilla & Neil

As time went on, Olivia became worried that Nathan would someday be unable to resist Drucilla’s considerable charms, while Dru – desperate to keep her true feelings a secret – pretended to be dating Neil Winters, a young trainee at Jabot Cosmetics. Things got complicated when Neil told Dru he was attracted to Olivia, and Dru briefly contemplated using this to her advantage. However, when Nathan and Olivia announced plans to wed, Dru knew she had no hope of breaking them up. To please her father, she agreed to serve as maid of honour. And though she was initially miserable with all that had occurred, Dru focused on her own life after the wedding. She took up modelling, moved away from ballet, and found herself increasingly attracted to Neil.

The End Of The Line For David Kimball

When David realized he’d never get his hands on Nina’s fortune unless he adopted her son, Philip, he began pressuring her to start the process. She resisted, still listening to Christine and Danny, who continued to urge her not to trust the man so readily. When they flat out suggested he might kill her immediately after the adoption was legal, Nina began to fear for her life.

She had reason to do so. Christine began investigating David’s past and found a photo of Rebecca, wearing a broach identical to one he’d given Nina as a recent gift. In the photo, David was identified as Rebecca’s husband, Tom. While Christine arranged to meet with Nina to break the news about David, Diane contacted her first and insisted she needed to tell her the truth about David’s past. Nina was rocked by the news, especially when Diane admitted that David had been plotting to kill both her and Philip.

Horrified and angered, a crazed Nina waited for David to come home, and fired five gunshots at him when he walked through the front door. He survived and faked paralysis and catatonia in the hospital to avoid being questioned by the police. Meanwhile, Nina fled GC with her son, afraid she’d be sent to prison, and hid out with her mother in Detroit, awaiting word on David’s condition.

Christine found her and brought her home, but she skipped town again when her trial began. As the hearing, which proceeded without her, neared its end, Nina returned – accompanied by mother Flo – took the stand, and gave an emotional testimony about her belief that her husband was plotting to kill her and her child. Her words moved the jury, who believed she had acted out of self-defence and found her not guilty.

Soon after, David faked his own death in a hospital fire, using a body from the morgue and his own dental pattern. He then forced a plastic surgeon to alter his features. The man got a small bit of vengeance by carving the word “KILLER” into his forehead, which David had to cover with makeup and prosthetics as he began his dastardly scheme.

He underwent a transformation, becoming Jim Adams, and began dating Flo, hoping to keep tabs on Nina through her unsuspecting, love-starved mother. David went so far as to marry Flo, and manipulated Nina into changing her will so that he and her mother would be co-beneficiaries in the event of Nina’s death. At a masquerade ball, where Nina, Danny and Christine were also guests, David attended with the intent of killing them all. He dressed in the same costume Danny wore, and lured Christine and Nina into the garden, where he shot them each twice.

When Danny later found them, David shot him as well. But, unbeknownst to David, Diane had discovered his plan, switched the bullets in his gun with blanks, and alerted the police. An intense chase began, ending when David jumped down a garbage chute to elude the police and ended up in a trash compactor. Danny and Christine pulled up just as he was struggling to climb out. He accidentally hit the ON switch and was fatally mutilated in the compactor while Danny and Christine looked on.

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Page updated 7/10/12

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