One Bad Day -Young & The Restless Fan Fiction From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Fan Fiction Pages

One Bad Day

Part 3 by Willy Garza & Susan Semunjuk  6/16/15

Lauren Fenmore Baldwin rushed through the ER doors at the hospital after getting a call from her son Scotty's girlfriend Hayley (Rebecca Budig) about an accident.  She asked Scotty as she held his hands, "Are you ok?" to which he replied, "Yes, we all are. Just shaken up with some bumps and bruises." Lauren’s husband Michael and her other son Fenmore came rushing in, too.  Lauren introduced Hayley and her son Evan.

Michael asked, "What happened?” Scotty took Hayley’s hand and answered, "We were driving to our rented house talking when all of a sudden I lost control, and the car went side to side, and we ended up off the road." Michael then asked, "Why did you lose control? Was something in the road?" Scotty replied, "I have no idea, Michael. Nothing was in the road, and I had the car checked before we came to town."

Lauren hugged her oldest son and said, "I’m just glad that you are all right. I got so scared when Hayley called to tell us you'd been in an accident. Thank you for calling me, Hayley." Hayley responded, "No problem." Fen commented, "Heck of a way for us to meet your lady, bro.” Everyone laughed.

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Page updated 6/16/15

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