I Just Wanna - Young & The Restless Fan Fiction From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Fan Fiction Pages

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I Just Wanna Be Loved By You

By Robyn

Chapter 3

Mac awoke from her dream, sweating. She must have fallen asleep. "Oh, Lord, I overslept," she muttered to herself. She hopped into the shower and then scrunched her hair. She put on a pair of jeans and a dark purple sweater. She put on her Birkenstocks and hurried out of the house. She wanted to get to Walnut Grove a little early so she could talk to JT. There had been a lot of talk about a rave, and she had to tell him that she wanted to go with him.

She was a little uneasy about the whole situation, but she wanted to keep Billy from making the biggest mistake of his life: drugs. When she pulled into the parking lot, she saw JT smoking a cigarette outside. She looked into the mirror and fixed her lipstick. "It's now or never," she said. Mac got out of the car and walked confidently over to him. She saw Billy and Brittany making out, but she didn't let it faze her. "JT, we have to talk," Mac said.

"Hey, Mac, is it about the rave, because my offer still stands," he said. "That's what it is about. I'll go with you, JT, but under one condition: I don't want you to offer me ANY kind of drugs. I'm going for one reason only: to help Billy. That's it."

"Okay, Browning, pick you up next Friday at eight?" JT asked.

"I'll drive myself over," she said coolly, as she walked off.

The next few days passed uneventfully, but Mac's uneasiness grew. Then finally, it was time for the rave. Mac arrived at the warehouse where it was going to be held at eight o' clock on the dot. She adjusted her mini leather skirt as she walked in the door. Almost immediately, she could feel the music deafen her. There was beer EVERYWHERE and lots of people were already drunk. She saw JT, but ran the other way, but JT saw her and came her direction. "Mac, looking good, sweetie," a beer smelling JT said.

"JT, remember, I came here for one reason: to help Billy, so I am going to look for him," Mac said.

"Not so fast, honey. Want some water?" JT asked.

"No, JT, I don't want anything."

"Mac, I just want you to have some water. No beer."

"Well, give it here," Mac said, taking the Ecstasy infected water so she would shut JT up. She sniffed it, and took a small sip.

"That'll loosen her up," he said under his breath.

"What was that, JT?" Mac asked.

"Oh, nothing."

Mac spotted Billy, but she didn't move. She kept drinking the soiled water, getting a little more tipsy with each swallow. "JT, can you get me a beer? I need something to loosen up," Mac asked, unaware that the date-rape drug was taking hold of her body.

JT grabbed a beer that he had spiked especially for her. "Here you go, sweetie," he said. Mac chugged back about half of the bottle. She was actually enjoying herself, she thought.

Across the room, Billy saw Mac with JT, drinking. He was so angry, he could barely move. He pushed Brittany off of him and said, "I'll be back." He stalked over to JT, and yelled, "What are you doing?"

"Back off Billy. Don't mess with MY date. JT and I were just hanging, so you can go," Mac said, as she frenched JT.

"Mac, what are you doing? Why are you acting this way?" Billy asked.

Maybe because I am moving on. Raul did it. YOU did it. I'M DOING IT, Billy. So get over it. You know, I actually wanted to come help you tonight. To come save you from the drugs. But now, you're on your own. I don't HAVE the NEED to help you anymore Billy. I'm so through with you. You can take that skanky ho Brittany and all of your "precious" memories and all of our memories and shove it, Billy. I'm done with you. Let's go, JT," she said.

"Mac, wait." Billy said.

"You heard the lady. Leave us alone, Billy," JT said with a smirk on his face. He grabbed a drugged Mac on the butt, and she fell back on him and kissed him heavily. He led Mac outside, to his Mustang and opened the door. He couldn't believe how easy it was. He had gotten Mac out from under Billy, and now he was about to sleep with her. Mac got in the car, and she laid in the front seat.

Back inside, Billy fumed with anger. He could not believe that JT had gotten Mac high enough to make her say all that stuff to him. Oh God, he just realized. She's high on X, the date rape drug. He had to find her.

"Billy, Billy!" Brittany called.

"Not now. I have to go," he said on his way out. Once he was outside, he saw JT's car, and then he saw JT smoking some pot or something. He ran over to JT and said, "JT, I swear, you got her high on X, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?"

"Chill, man. I'm not forcing Mac into anything. I'm giving her some space as we speak," JT said. Inside the car, Mac stretched and her foot hit the gas. JT felt the car move and yelled, "What the?"

"Oh, my..." Billy said, as he saw JT's car roll forward. "Tell me Mac's not in that car. "TELL ME."

"She is Billy, she is," JT said. The car was approaching a tree, full speed.

Billy watched in horror as the car's front in smashed completely into the tree.

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