Days of Our Lives Winners & Losers From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Winners & Losers Pages

Our Picks for DOOL Best & Worst of 2016!

by Michele & Cheryl

Week of May 23, 2016


Belle was willing to admit that she shouldn’t have cheated on Shawn. It took her long enough to realize that her cheating had repercussions. It’s too bad she only realized it once she was drunk.

Jennifer realized that she needed help with her addiction. It was good to see her realize that she had to stop taking the pills. It’s not as if anyone (other than Lucas) noticed that there was something wrong with her.

Lucas tried to get Jennifer to get help. He was there for her and didn’t want her to go through her problem alone. He had a lot of patience with her considering she gave him a hard time about getting the help she needed.


Rafe walked away from Hope and Aiden when he saw them kissing. He should have confronted them about what they were doing instead of letting them kiss each other.

Hope really thought Aiden should let Chase stay in prison. Chase is Aiden’s son so why should he let him stay in prison? Hope was really arrogant to think she could manipulate him into not helping his son.

Page updated 5/27/16

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