Days of Our Lives Winners & Losers From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Winners & Losers Pages

Our Picks for DOOL Best & Worst!

by Michele & Cheryl

9/9/13 - 9/13/13


Kristen told Nicole off for getting in her business.  We’re glad that Kristen didn’t let Nicole get away with being in her business.

Sami’s trial seems to be heating up.  It’s been interesting so far and hopefully it will stay that way.  We’re hoping that some juicy secrets will get revealed.


Nicole refuses to butt out of Kristen and Brady’s business.  She needs to get a life of her own and maybe she wouldn’t be so concerned about Kristen and Brady’s relationship.

Daniel read Eric’s records at his apartment and left them in the living room.  His carelessness made it easy for Kristen to see Eric’s file.  He should have looked at Eric’s records in his office.



Page updated 9/13/13

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