Days of Our Lives Winners & Losers From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Winners & Losers Pages

Our Picks for DOOL Best & Worst!

by Michele & Cheryl

6/2/13 - 6/7/13


Hope made Sami feel better when Sami blamed herself for why Jensen was able to attack Rafe and Will.  Hope is a better person than w are because if Sami yelled at us the way she yelled at Hope, we would have rubbed her nose in the fact that she was indirectly responsible for what Ciara did.

Brady didn’t give in to Kristen begging him to take her back.  We thought he would have caved and took her back when he came close to kissing her, but he didn’t.  He stood his ground and threw her out of Victor’s house.  It’s too bad he didn’t have this backbone when he fell for her, but we will be grateful for what we can get.


Kristen was so desperate to get Brady to come back to her that she had to use the fact that they were going to adopt a child as a way to get him back.  She tried to play on his guilt, but her plan backfired.  She just knew that her plan was going to work.

Sami was ready to blame Hope for why Jensen was out of prison.  When Hope told her what Ciara did, Sami didn’t understand why Hope would protect Ciara at first.  Considering what Sami has done for Will, she should have understood what Hope did.

Page updated 6/5/13

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