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The Days of Our Lives Winners & Losers Pages

Our Picks for DOOL Best & Worst of 2019!

by Michele & Cheryl

Week Of 11/6/20


The writers for starting to build the umbrella story with Tripp and Allie. Steve, Kayla, John, etc. have been given more screen time with the rape story.

Kate was the only one who thought to tell Roman about Allie's rape. He was the only one who didn't know about it. He had a right to know what happened to Allie just like the others did.


Abby allowed Gwen to talk her into reading Kate's letter. It wasn't addressed to her so she didn't have a right to read it. She also didn't have to let Gwen talk her into drinking when it messed with her medication.

The writers basically downplayed Ciara's memorial service. They made it seem like she was so vital to the show, but her memorial happened off screen. It was as if it were a regular day in Salem. 

Page updated 11/9/20

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