Days of Our Lives Top Ten Lists From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Top Ten Pages

Top Ten List About DOOL!

by Jacques  12/4/04

10. Sami found out about Nicole and Colin's affair, she threaten Nicole that she will expose her to Victor.

9. She changed the paternity of Lexie and Abe's son because she was afraid it might be Brandon's.

8. She lied about Lucas hitting Will.

7. Sami blackmailed Victor. She wanted him to transfer Austin to Hawaii so that they are far away from Lucas and Kate.

6. Sami caused Victor another stroke after showing him some pictures of Kate when she was a prostitute.

5. When Sami learned that Belle was John's daughter, she kidnapped Belle and almost fled the country.

4. She changed Will's paternity test to make it look like Austin was the father.

3. On Austin and Carrie's wedding Sami announced that she was pregnant.

2. She drugged Austin to sleep with her.

1. When Sami was raped by Allen, she faked an assault by ripping her own clothes, messing up her hair and throw a few things in the kitchen around, just to get Austin's attention.

Page updated 5/12/12

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