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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

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2019 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

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by Michele & Cheryl

Week of 11/6/20


How come Shawn didn't know about Allie's rape when he works at the police station?

Who told Shawn what happened with Ben? If other cops knew about Ben, why did they wait so long to call Shawn?


Roman wasn't acting as if he had a memorial at the pub. He acted as if it was business as usual.


Kayla said the DNA test results didn't lie. Did she forget about all of the tests Sami switched over the years?


Kate said it was late, but it looked like it was daytime.


Abby didn't talk about who Kate was rumored to be with on Thursday, but she did in this one.






Page updated 11/9/20

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