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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

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2019 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

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by Michele & Cheryl

Week of 11/13/20


Kate read her letter out of order and too fast.

What were the odds Kate was wearing the same nail polish she wore a year ago? It's possible, but it wasn't likely.

Jennifer managed to get her nails done while she was in a coma.


Jennifer mentioned how Kate destroyed her family, she was able to live with her.


Abby managed not to hear Gwen talking to Stefano's picture. The door was open so she should have heard something.


Claire was talking while Theo was shown.


Ava risked being caught by the police when she checked on Philip. You would think she would risk getting caught by checking on her son. 






Page updated 11/16/20

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