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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

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2019 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

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by Michele & Cheryl

Week of 10/23/20


Sarah's hair was shorter than it was in Friday's episode.

Claire told Charlie the pub was closed to plan Ciara's memorial, but Roman said it was closed for poker night.

Steve was talking while Marlena was shown.

Sarah wore Xander's jacket, but he wore it went downstairs.


Chad's hair was shorter than it was the last time he was shown.

Ben was able to steal Vincent's gun from the station without anyone noticing him take it.

The power's supposed to be out, but the lights were on in the DiMera mansion.


There was a lot of light in places that weren't supposed to have light.


Rolf cried without any tears.

Belle was staying with John and Marlena, but he was surprised to see her.

When did Shawn and Belle get a house when they were staying with John and Marlena?

Gwen talked about how dark it was in the mansion, but it looked like the lights were on in there. No one bumped into anything in the living room.

Clyde said he was Ben's only family. He obviously forgot about David.


There were lights on considering there was a blackout.

Belle told Jan to get out of her house, but it looked like Hope's house.






Page updated 10/26/20

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