2011 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs
Michele & Cheryl
Week of 6/6/11
The blood that was on
Fake Rafe's lip was gone.
It was daytime last
Thursday, but it was nighttime in this episode.
Why didn't Gabi's
mother go to Salem to see Gabi?
How did Harold last
longer than the other ladies of the DiMera mansion when he hasn't been there
that long? He was a new employee last year.
If Taylor wanted EJ to
leave her room, why was she wearing his shirt?
The living room door
at the DiMera mansion was closed in Tuesday's episode, but it was open in
this one.
You could hear Melanie
knocking on Carly's door while Jennifer was being shown.
Gabi was only in the
hospital for one or two days, but everyone acted as if she was in there
Gabi cried without any
Who did Rafe know to
act the way Fake Rafe acted? It's not like Sami could describe the way
Fake Rafe acted so how did Rafe know what to do?
Is Fay's cameo the
only one ever made? How did Taylor know that the cameo at Sami and
Rafe's place was Fay's?
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