Michele & Cheryl's Days of Our Lives Nitpicks & Flubs From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

2011 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

by Michele & Cheryl

Week of 5/9/11


Jennifer didn’t have a scar on her chest from her heart surgery.

Sami put stuff in her bag when she was about to leave the safehouse the first time, but she put it in again when she was leaving the second time.


If was daytime in Monday’s episode, but it was a nighttime in this one.

EJ’s hair was styled differently.  In Monday’s episode, his hair was dry, but in this episode, it was wet.

The curls in Sami’s hair weren’t as tight as they were before.

When Sami hit the counter, you could see her hit her hand instead of her head.


Why did Taylor go in the living room at the DiMera mansion, if she didn’t want to talk to EJ?


Rafe’s bruises weren’t as dark as they were before.

Sami didn’t have a cut on her head from when she hit it.


Jennifer told Carly that she had a meeting with Lexie.  In yesterday’s episode, Lexie was at the DiMera mansion putting Johnny and Sydney to bed.  When did she go to the hospital to have a meeting with Jennifer?

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