2011 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs
Michele & Cheryl
Week of 5/2/11
It sounded as if EJ said
"Ashley" instead of "actually".
The scratches on Rafe's face changed
from last week. They looked darker last week than they do now.
Why was Sami acting so nervous around
Fake Rafe if she wanted to make their marriage work?
When Rafe picked up the key when it fell
off the necklace, the grass moved.
Rafe's scars were practically gone.
How many times was Nicole going to go to
the Cheatin' Heart in one day? She was in there three or four times in
one day.
Sami cried without any tears.
Rafe's scratches were practically gone
on the right side of his face.
Sami's nail polish was chipped in one
scene, but fixed in another scene.
Daniel baled up the picture of him and
Chloe but once it was in the garbage, it was as if he didn't ball it up.
How many drinks was Nicole going to get
in one day? It has been the same day for a while, yet she kept
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