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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

2010 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

by Michele & Cheryl

Week of July 5, 2010


On last Wednesday, Nicole was still on her phone when Rafe walked up on her.  In this episode, Nicole hung up the phone and then Rafe walked up on her.

It was daytime at the start of this episode, but it was starting to get dark during the second half of the episode.


Jennifer told Carly that her family is independent and self-sufficient. Jack jr. should be a little kid so he is not able to take care of himself.

Chad and Gabi had a lot of ice cream in their cones, but it was gone the next time they were shown.

Hope mugged Justin a while ago, but he still didn't have his wallet.  You would think he would have replaced it by now.


It was getting dark in yesterday's episode, but it was really dark in this one.

Unless Justin has been wearing the same pants he had on when he was mugged, he should have known he didn't have his wallet.

Hope was wearing her pajamas when Ciara told Justin about the wallets on Tuesday, but she was dressed in this one.


Stefano messed up his line.  He said "nothing is good enough for my grandson" instead of "nothing is too good" for him.

On Wednesday, EJ and Sami let the mansion with just Sydney.  In this episode, they had Allie, Johnny, and Mary (the nanny) with them.

Speaking of Allie, Lucas wanted to take Allie to Japan with him, but she was still in Salem.

EJ conveniently had another shirt that he changed into when Sami spilled salad dressing on him.


The Christening gown that Daniel had looked too new to have been in his family for generations.

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