Michele & Cheryl's Days of Our Lives Nitpicks & Flubs From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

2009 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

by Michele & Cheryl

Week of February 2, 2009


The killer choked Kayla, but she didn't have prints on her neck.

Why does Sister Theresa have her bangs hanging out of her habit?  The other nuns have their hair covered so why doesn't she?

Chloe's makeup was touched up when she wasn't wearing that much earlier in the episode.


Where was Sami's "baby" when she and the nuns wanted to help Rafe?  She was nowhere to be found at the beginning of the episode.

Why didn't hope call for backup while she was on her way to the hospital?  She is not a negotiator so why did she think she could handle the killer by herself?

The water that Nicole had on her gown to make it look like she had a baby was gone.

Nicole changed into an outfit that was completely different from the one that she was wearing when she went to the clinic.


Hope was crying, but she didn't have any tears.

Why would Mia put the same clothes on that she was wearing when she had her baby?

Stephanie was crying, but she didn't have any tears either.

Who took the time to bring Joe to the hospital?  No one who was there brought him to the hospital.


Hope said on Wednesday that she wanted to go home to be with Ciara, but she told Chelsea that Ciara was at a sleepover.

Stefano knew that Sami was free to come home, but he didn't know that Nicole wasn't really pregnant.


Melanie was wearing heels, but there was snow on the ground.

Why was Brady yelling when Sydney was sleeping?

EJ's hair wasn't in his face earlier in the episode, but it was in his face later on in the episode.

Page updated 2/23/14

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