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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

2009 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

by Michele & Cheryl

Week of July 27, 2009


Kate's tears kept changing.  One minute she wasn't crying too much and the next she had a lot of tears on her face.

Did the writers get ahead of themselves?  How did Hope know that Maggie told Lucas the truth when he got drunk?  Maggie didn't specifically say when she told him about the affair.

Kate said she was the only family that Chloe had at the hospital.  Did she forget that Hope and Nathan are family too?


The guard that was standing outside of Chloe's door wasn't there anymore.


In Tuesday's episode, Lucas ran into the hospital to find out what happened.  In this episode, Lucas walked into the hospital.

Since when is it okay for doctors to tell people other than family members about patients?  Lexie told Abe about Chloe's condition.

Chloe's mouth kept opening and closing during her scenes.


Sydney was crying one minute and she wasn't doing anything the next.

What were the odds that all of the teens were going to hit the gym at the same time?


Chloe's mouth kept opening and closing again.

Chloe has been in a coma, but she had tear stains on her face.

Lucas' hair was messed up after he fought with Daniel, but it looked like it was combed after it.

How come Meredith was able to tell Stefano about Emily's accident, but she couldn't tell Sami?

Page updated 2/23/14

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