Michele & Cheryl's Days of Our Lives Nitpicks & Flubs From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

2008 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

by Michele & Cheryl

Week of September 29, 2008


Why didn't Daniel find Kate's tumor when she went to the hospital for tests a couple of months ago?

The scratch on Nick's head was practically gone.

When did Chloe and Lucas move in together?

The bruises on Nick's knuckles changed.  They were darker in another episode.

The blood on Max's shirt didn't match the scratches on his back.


Lucas' hair was cut.

Why would Kayla be appointed interim chief of staff when she hasn't worked at the hospital that long?

Did the writers forget that Sami is a high school dropout? EJ said Sami's education was good, but it shouldn't be when she's a dropout.


Why did Caroline think that the police wouldn't think she was the number one suspect in Trent's murder?  She was the one who was found with the murder weapon so of course she's a suspect.

Why is it that whenever someone's arrested, they are alone in the cell?

Why was Kayla at the police station if she's so busy at the hospital?

Caroline's tear was there one minute, but gone the next.


When Philip was walking, he didn't have a limp.

What were the odds that EJ would have worn a suit to the zoo?

When Caroline had one of her flashbacks of Trent (the one when she threatened to kill him), you could hear him talking before the flashback was shown.


EJ's hair was cut shorter than it was in Thursday's episode.

Kate's hair was feathered more than it was in Thursday's episode.

Kate had lipstick or lip gloss or when she wasn't wearing any on Thursday.

Why was Sami able to yell in the hospital?

Page updated 2/22/14

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