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The Days of Our Lives Nitpicks and Flubs Pages

2008 DOOL Nitpicks and Flubs

by Michele & Cheryl

Week of November 24, 2008


Why did Nicole think to call Brady for help when she started having cramps?  It would have made more sense to call the hospital for help.

Since John saved Marlena's life, you would think that she would have been more grateful to him.


Why was Marlena ready to give up on John because he couldn't remember Brady?  She didn't do that when he didn't remember Belle.

Why does Maggie care more about Nick than Mickey does?  He has not been around for Nick at all.


How did Rafe get a picture of EJ?  Sami shouldn't have had any pics of EJ?

Why would Hilda drink cough medicine that would make her drowsy when she was supposed to be watching Sami?  

How did Melanie know so much about Chelsea's past?  No one told her about it so how did she know?

Why would Hope pick up Johnny from daycare, but she didn't get Allie?


No episode


It was daytime when the man Melanie robbed confronted her, but it was nighttime in this episode.

Why would Melanie take the time to count up the money she stole while she was outside of the pub? Did she want to be caught?

Why were Chelsea and Brady acting as if they knew each other?  He was gone when Chelsea found out she was Bo and Billie's daughter.

When did Brady and Daniel meet each other?  They were talking like they knew each other.

Why would Chloe ask Lucas if he wanted a drink?  She should have known that he's a recovering alcoholic.

Page updated 2/22/14

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