The Dream, Part 1
Jacqueline Ann Wainwright
He looked at the
sleeping form beside him. With his eyes, he traced the profile of her brow
and nose. He gently brushed her cheek with his fingers. He finally
kissed her lips. She stirred and sighed. John had known Marlena
now for a long time and she still remained physically and
spiritually beautiful.
When he had first
arrived in Salem, he had believed utterly that Marlena was his wife.
He had been a pawn in some diabolical schemings of a mad man.
Despite all that, despite the farce, Marlena had loved him as Roman
and then, as himself, John Black. They had proved their love in
the ultimate way...the birth of a child. Through all the horror
that DiMera had subjected them to, the constancy of their love
had sustained them.
The words of a poem
struck him every time he was with her: "She is all States, and all
Princes, I, Nothing else is." He kissed her again.
"You're in a good
mood this morning," she said. "That's not
surprising when I'm with you, Doc. You're everything I want in this life. I'm
sorry I disturbed you. It's not really morning. Go back to
As he lay back, he
sensed something.... a slight movement in the corner of the room. His
heart beat faster; he strained to hear anything. Was this his
vivid imagination or was there truly someone skulking in the shadows
of the room.
"Doc, I'm just
going to check on something."
"John. Is
everything all right?"
"Hush. Go back to
sleep. There's nothing to worry about."
"I wouldn't say
that, John."
The voice boomed out of
the darkness. DiMera switched on the lights.
The sudden brightness
momentarily stunned the couple; destroying their former intimacy.
"What do you
want, DiMera?"
"I would have
thought that was obvious, John. I'm here to exact my revenge." "
You're pathetic. DiMera. Your obsessive hatred is eating you but it's not going
to destroy us. You've done enough harm to us already. If it wasn't
for you, Doc and I would have been together long ago." "
I've given up the idea of having Marlena, John, but I haven't relinquished my
determination to destroy you. I will destroy you, John, by taking
away all that's important to you."
DiMera pointed the
weapon towards the bed. Before John could rush forward, the bullet had
reached its target. Marlena slumped back.
"Doc! Oh, God!
John lurched up from
the pillow. Perspiration covered his brow. The same dream, night after
night. The nightmare scenario. Doc killed by the mad man who had
plagued their lives. Every night he took the Doc from him..... forever.
It was only a dream, though. Marlena wasn't dead but, in a sense,
she wasn't really with him either.
He looked at the
sleeping form beside him. With his eyes, he traced the profile of her brow
and nose He gently brushed her cheek with his fingers. She
"Is everything
all right, John?"
"Sure. Just a bad
dream. Sorry to disturb you, Go back to sleep. It's still night".
He kissed her gently on the lips.
"Sleep well,
Page updated 5/9/12
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