Victor Kiriakis -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Victor Kiriakis
Played by John Aniston
Written by

This is one man whose bad side you don't want to see; his crimes could fill a few pages.

When it comes to getting what he wants, Victor is the type of person who will step on anyone who stands in his way. 

Although he is a tough guy, his family is really important to him and he won't let anybody hurt them. Victor has also romanced plenty of women. I think there will only ever be one true love in Victor's heart, Caroline Brady. Years ago they had an affair and that’s when Bo was born.

Victor did not have a good relationship with Bo, but all that changed when Victor helped Bo to find Hope.

Victor then fell in love with Vivian but things did not work out for them: Kate Roberts came back to town and stole his heart. Vivian did not give up and lied and schemed till she got Victor back. Finally Victor learned the truth about Vivian's schemes and dumped her and took Kate back.

Their love did not last long as Victor had a stroke. He had a second stroke after Sami showed him the photos of Kate when she was a prostitute. Victor spent time in a clinic and got better but he was left impotent. He did not feel like a real man any more, and after pushing Kate away, things soon got out of hand as Kate tried to kill Victor twice.

Victor's ego was a little bruised and Nicole was just the right medicine, but the relationship was definitely not built on love. Victor was furious after he found out about Nicole and Colin's little affair and that she had ended up killing him. Out of anger he kept her "prisoner" in the mansion. Nicole plotted with Jan to electrocute Victor in the bathtub.

However, Victor is alive and well and has again grown closer to his one true love, Caroline. He will do anything to keep Nicole and Brady apart. We'll just have to wait and see if Victor will once again become the cruel and scheming mob boss.

Proofread by Laura on 3/14/11

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