Tony DiMera -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Tony DiMera
Played by Thaao Penghlis
Written by

It is true what they say about "the apple does not fall far from the tree". Tony show that this statement is true in every way: he is like a carbon copy of his father Stefano.

Tony was, once upon a time, also a good guy, helping out everyone in need. Everything changed when his beloved Kristin Blake broke off the relationship and turned to John Black.

The DiMera curse showed that no-one can escape its destiny. Tony hated John with a passion. His hatred towards John made it look like John killed Tony. Tony planned everything carefully and John was framed for Tony's death.

However, it became clear that Tony was very much alive and had moved back to Salem. His ultimate goal was to destroy John Black for good.

Tony became a victim of the Salem Stalker. Later, it came to light that Tony was behind the killings in New Salem.

Tony always had to live in John's shadow because John was once like a son to Stefano. Tony felt betrayed by his own father. As they say, desperate times call for desperate measures and so Tony planned the whole scheme of the Stalker and New Salem. In a way, it was his desperate attempt to get his father's attention. Tony shocked everyone when they saw Stefano's body, and Tony claimed that he had killed his own father.

Tony is a true DiMera and will go to any length to destroy the people he hates. 

Proofread by Laura on 5/24/11

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