Theo Brandon Carver -- Days of Our Lives Character Description From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Theo Brandon Carver
Played by Chase and Tyler Johnson
Written by Justin


Theo Brandon Carver was born to Abe and Lexie Carver on May 28, 2003. His uncle, Tony DiMera,  wanted Theo to become a full DiMera, so he decided he had to get rid of Abe.

On September 19, 2003, the day of Theo's christening, someone shot Abe outside his home. John Black and Roman Brady found his body and rushed him to the hospital. Despite efforts to save Abe, he died on September 29, making Lexie a widow and leaving Theo without his father. Tony was one of the chief suspects at the time. Later, it was found that Abe was the first of the serial killings by The Salem Stalker.  Tony was also one of the victims.  Proofread by Laura on 5/10/11.

Later played by: Amyrh Harris / Kavi Faquir / Terrell Ransom, Jr. / Kyler Pettis

Amyrh HarrisKavi FaquirTerrell Ransom, Jr.Kyler Pettis

Most of the victims of the Salem Stalker were found to be alive later on.

Theo was diagnosed with autism in 2008. He became friends with Ciara Brady. He was aged to a teen in 2015 and had romances with Ciara and her niece Claire. He's described as "high functioning."

Theo was able to bond with his parents after therapy. Later, he was able to become close with his other family members and some friends.

Theo's mom, Lexie, passed away in 2012. In 2015, Theor learns that Lani is his half-sister.

Eventually, Theor moved out on his own. He shares an apartment with his friends

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Page updated 10/10/17

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