Sami Brady -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Sami Brady
Played by Alison Sweeney

Alison Sweeney made her debut on "Days of Our Lives" on January 22, 1993, as the rebellious and vindictive teenager Sami Brady. Sami was a bit of a brat. She was feeling neglected by her parents. Two things became defining moments in her life and changed her from being a little brat to a major schemer with a big chip on her shoulder. The first event was her rape; the second was finding her mother and John Black having sex on the conference table at Bella.

When Sami found out that her mother was pregnant, she switched DNA tests so that her dad Roman would appear to be the father, not John. Later, she even kidnapped her little sister Belle to give her to Stefano, an evil man. This started a long line of crimes and schemes by Sami. Her most major scheme was to pass her baby off as Austin's, even though she knew it was Lucas' baby.  

Most of Sami's schemes come from her wanting to be loved by someone (usually a man).  She was loved and then dumped by Austin and Brandon: they loved her but couldn't take any more lies and manipulation from her. Sami almost went to the electric chair for killing Franco, whom she was about to marry.

In recent years, Sami has softened. She may be falling in love with Lucas. She still resents John for getting involved with her mother and also fought with her father before he died, about his marrying Kate, one of her enemies.

Proofread by Laura on 5/3/11

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Page updated 5/3/12

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