Maggie Horton -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Maggie Horton
Played by Suzanne Rogers
Written by

Maggie is loved by everyone in Salem. She is also the woman with the latest gossip.

Maggie was an orphan. She was also disabled but received the medical help she needed to recover when she met the man of her dreams, Mickey.

Maggie was under a lot of pressure when she found out about Mickey's true identity and the authorities took her foster child away from her. The only comfort she found was in alcohol. It helped her forget about the pain she’d been through. However, in the end Maggie realized that she was throwing away her life and gave up the bad habit.

Maggie was the Salem killer's third victim. Now, she and all the others that died are trapped on an island that looks exactly like Salem. 

Proofread by Laura on 5/3/11

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