Jennifer Horton -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

 Jennifer Horton
Played by Melissa Reeves
Written by

Jennifer started out as a rebellious teenager. She was sent to live with her grand parents Tom and Alice Horton.

Jen met her true love Jack when they worked together at the Spectator. They went through a lot to be together.

A mistake Jennifer makes over and over again is to trust people too soon. One of the worst things that happened to Jen was when she was raped by Lawrence.

Jack and Jen finally got married but happily ever after was not their storybook ending. Jack left Jennifer and though it truly hurt her, it also made her a little bit stronger. They divorced.

Jennifer met Peter Blake and soon they fell in love. Trusting Peter was the biggest mistake of her life. Later she found out what a schemer Peter was and that he was responsible for her mother losing her mind, again. 

Things looked up again for Jack and Jen but then she found out that her mom and Jack had slept together. She felt angry at being betrayed by the two people whom she loved the most. Jen, as usual, forgave Jack and they decide to move to Africa.

Bo found Jennifer and Abby in Ireland and she went back to Salem with Bo. Jennifer was ashamed to tell her family what had really happened in Africa. Jen then fell for Colin and when Jack came back to claim his position within the family, Jen refused him. It is understandable that Jennifer would react this way since Jack won't let go of his childish games. At this point, one can see that Jen really resents Jack. One can also understand why she is pushing him away. 

Jennifer’s whole world came crashing in when JT fell out of her car when the car went off the bridge; she could not forgive herself for what happened. However, everything worked out in the end when the child was found alive.

Although Jennifer said that it was over between her and Jack, she was very jealous when Jack spent a lot of time with Greta. Jennifer moved on to Brandon but this relationship did not last long. 

Finally Jen and Colin met face to face but this did not work out well.

Jack and Jennifer finally remarried, but once again tragedy hit when Jack was "killed" by the Salem Serial Killer. Jennifer truly loved Jack with all her heart. We saw how hard it was for her standing at Jack's death bed, and then we saw her torn apart when she almost lost the baby. To her, the baby is a reminder of Jack and if she were to lose the baby, it would be like losing Jack forever. 

Proofread by Laura on 4/26/11

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