Carrie Brady -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Carrie Brady
Played by Christie Clark

As a teenager, Christie Clark originally played the role of the innocent Carrie Brady from 1986 through 1990, during which time she won two Youth in Film Awards.

An older and more mature Clark returned to "Days of Our Lives" on December 18, 1992, transforming the adolescent Brady into a business-savvy adult.

Prior to her return to "Days of Our Lives," she was featured on the daytime drama "General Hospital." She also starred on such prime-time programs as "Changes" (with Cheryl Ladd), "Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Revenge," "Life Goes On," "Hull High," "Ask Max," and "Hardcastle & McCormick." Her feature-film credits include "Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice," and "Nightmare on Elm Street, Part II."

Born in Orange County, CA, on December 13, 1973, Clark is the eldest of three children: she has a younger brother and sister. In her spare time, she enjoys swimming, dancing, kick-boxing and snow-boarding.

Carrie Brady's mother was Anna DiMera; her father was Roman Brady. She was close to her mother, but Anna left town when Carrie was young. Marlena was like a second mother to Carrie. Carrie was always a beleaguered heroine though she never gave up hope or stopped fighting evil.

Carrie was a model, but her career was cut short when a crook threw acid in her face.  Eventually, she had plastic surgery, but she still felt like she had scars. She had a tumultuous relationship with Austin Reed, who was her true love, but many things conspired to keep them apart, especially her sister Sami. Sami was always jealous of Carrie, who was sweet and well-liked, as well as beautiful. Sami kept Austin and Carrie apart time and time again, with the help of Lucas. Carrie used to trust her sister but later realized what a witch she was. Carrie became an executive at Bella, along with Sami, Lucas, and Austin (somehow they all became junior executives, even though none of them had gone to college or had any experience).

Carrie fell for Dr. Mike Horton while she and Austin were on the outs. Mike was like her white knight. When they left town, it was very romantic because Mike was on horseback.

When Austin was first played by Patrick Muldoon, Austin and Carrie were a great couple who had a lot of magnetism, and Muldoon had this chemistry with everyone, including the actress who played his sister. When he left and was replaced by Austin Peck, the couple still had a lot of fans, but the duo was never as great as the original Austin and Carrie. That's when the show decided to put Austin with Sami and Carrie with Mike.  Mike and Carrie became the new fan favorites. 

Proofread by Laura on 3/28/11

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