Abe Carver -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

 Abe Carver
Played by James Reynolds
Written by

Abe wanted to be a police officer since he could remember, and he promised to fight crime when his brother Theo was killed.

Abe fell in love with Lexie and then trouble for the couple started. Soon after they married, she found out that she was Stefano DiMera's daughter. This fact did put some pressure on the relationship because Abe despises Stefano, and one of Abe's goals was to put Stefano in prison. Lexie's love and devotion put a strain on their marriage though, in the end, their love was strong enough to rise above the situation.

Things started heating up when Brandon came to town and plotted revenge on Abe. Abe's past came back to haunt him. He accidentally shot an eight-year-old boy who then became paralyzed. When Abe saw Larry again, all his guilt came flooding back and Abe almost resigned from the force.

It was almost as if history was repeating itself when Abe accidentally shot Brady in the back and left Brady paralyzed, as well.

Abe started to pull away from Lexie when he saw how much like Stefano she was becoming. When everything was in the open, Abe knew that his marriage to the woman he loved was over. Leaving was a hard decision to make, but he could not stand the way Lexie had become, so he filed for divorce.

After Lexie helped Hope and Isaac when they were kidnapped, Abe was proud of her and they decided to make it work. Abe was filled with joy when Lexie announced that she was pregnant.

Abe was surprised when Brandon told him on the day that his son was born, that he, in fact, was also Abe's son. The bond between father and son is strong and, I think, for the first time the hate between Abe and Brandon disappeared.

Abe will always put the needs of others before his own and will swim through rivers for his friends. He is a devoted husband and father. Abe was also the first victim of the Salem serial Killer. 

Proofread by Laura on 4/26/11

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