Abby Deveraux -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

Abigail Johanna "Abby" Devereaux
Written by Justin

PLAYED BY:  Megan Corletto (
                <----  Jillian Clare (2/28/03 - )
                Ashley Benson (2005 - Present) ----->

Abigail Johanna Devereaux was born on October 19, 1992, to Jack and Jennifer Devereaux. Pollution caused Abby to get cancer, which was stopped thanks to a bone marrow transplant from Austin Reed.

Not much happened for Abby in the first four or five years of her life. In 1998, Jack, Jen, and Abby went on safari in Africa.

Abby was seen again in October 2000, only this time she was in a pub in Dublin, Ireland with her mother, Jennifer, who was working as a waitress. Everything changed for Jen and Abby when her cousin Bo showed up to search for some answers about the DiMeras. Some of Stefano DiMera's friends kidnapped Bo and held him hostage in a pit. Jen started bringing him food without the thugs knowing. One day, Bo managed to escape with the help of Jen and saw her face. He was shocked and he had a lot of questions to ask her. But they agreed not to question each other. The two thugs cornered them and forced them onto a boat where they made yet another enemy, Annie. Annie pretended to be their friend until they got far out to sea and then she poisoned herself. Bo and Jen set off flares into the sky, and a rescue team rescued Jen, Bo, and Abby.

Bo brought Abby and Jen back to Salem. Later, in February, Jack Devereaux resurfaced in Abby's life and she was happy, although Jen was not.

Throughout the next couple of years, Abby tried to get her parents back together. It eventually worked with Jen proposing to Jack in February 2003. They got married on May 27, 2003. Sadly, their marriage hit a snag when Jack began investigating mysterious attacks made on Bo and Hope.

Soon, Jen became even more worried when Abe Carver was murdered for investigating Colin Murphy's murder. She feared that Jack may be next since he was also investigating. What will Abby do without her father?  

Proofread by Laura on 3/21/11

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