"Days of Our Lives" Best Lines
Michele & Cheryl
Week of 8/23/19
(to Will about what was in
Xander's briefcase)
Sonny: It looks like some ancient trinkets which are
probably cursed.
Mr. Shin: I had no idea you
had such ill will towards the DiMera family.
Kate: That's one of the perks of working in Hong Kong, isn't
it? It's easier to deal with the family when you're eight
thousand miles away.
Will: You think she's going
to put the moves on you again?
Brady: Yeah maybe. The fact that I tried to reach out to her
again. She may get the wrong idea.
Will: The wrong idea is Susan's thing.
Will: Susan is a few strings
short of a guitar.
(about Eric)
Sarah: We got into a fight.
Chloe: Really? Didn't you leave your husband for him like
two seconds ago?
Kristen: I'd kill for an
aspirin right now.
Eli: You're done killing.
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GH: Night Shift,
Guiding Light,
One Life to Live,
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Page updated 8/25/19
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