"Days of Our Lives" Best Lines
Michele & Cheryl
Week of 4/30/18
(to Paul about Marlena being with Vivian and Kate):
John: If Doc is locked up with those two, we’d better find
her before all H*ll breaks loose.
(to Marlena about getting drunk):
Kate: If I’m going to be stuck in a room with Vivian
Alamain, I’m going to need something to get me through it.
(about Abby):
Vivian: Must be nice to be able to blame all of your
wrongdoings on your split personality. Cheat on your
husband? No wasn’t me. Hit someone over the head? It
wasn’t me it was my alter.
Kate: I think I’m getting a little bit claustrophobic.
Vivian: You don’t know anything about claustrophobia until
you have been locked in a coffin.
(when Vivian needed CPR):
Hope: Oh God! Why me?
(about being in the bunker):
Vivian: Give the company, we did what we had to do to
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GH: Night Shift,
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One Life to Live,
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Page updated 5/6/18
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