"Days of Our Lives" Best Lines
Michele & Cheryl
Week of 11/26/18
(when Claire wanted to Ben to work with her)
Claire: We're partners.
Ben : Until you find a better way to screw me over.
(to Kayla when she wanted to talk in her office)
Stefan: I prefer to have privacy when people are flinging
accusations against me.
Sonny: What do you want.
Leo: Is that any way to talk to someone you murdered?
Will: I checked your pulse.
Leo: I wouldn't go in the medical field if I were you.
Sonny: The guy who is a lying son of a b*tch con artist.
Leo: Words hurt.
(to Charlotte)
Stefan: I'd sing to you, but I don't want to damage those
perfect ears of yours.
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Page updated 12/2/18
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