"Days of Our Lives" Best Lines
Week of 11/12/18
(Chad is helping Abigail to deliver
her baby) Chad: I know, but this-- you are pro at this,
okay? No sweat, right? You've done this before. Abigail:
I had a midwife last time. Chad: Yeah, but you don't
have a psychopath holding a gun to your head. Abigail: I
know, you're the psychopath this time.
(Rex is
trying to persuade Sarah to forgive him for cheating)
Rex: Look, I messed up in the biggest way possible, but do
you really want to throw away our entire relationship?
Sarah: You threw it away! You did when you disrespected me
and you slept with other women. Rex: God, you make it
sound like I've just been sleeping around. Sarah: You
were sleeping around! Sarah: Rex Brady is a lying,
cheating, no-good son of a bitch. Roman: Huh, well...
wonder what that makes me. (At a bar) Eric: You
know what? Maybe you should slow down. Sarah: Hmm. And
maybe you should fasten your seat belt, 'cause I'm just
getting started.
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