Days of Our Lives "Ask Marlena" From The TV MegaSite [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

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The Days of Our Lives Advice Page

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Ask Marlena for advice

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We apologize that this page has not been updated, but no one has sent in any questions lately!

Advice from Dr. Marlena!  Send in your questions now!

photo of Dr. Marlena Evans

Need advice? Help with your love life? Ask Dr. Marlena!  She has seen it all and will help you! 
Read here every week for an answer to your questions!

Question from Amanda:

How do you feel about living forever? If you had the choice to live forever, would you? I mean, I think I know because wouldn't life get boring after awhile? I mean, what if you were like 90 years old and you had to stay like that forever? You wouldn't be able to do a lot anyway. Or what if you were the only one left? That would be kinda scary. I just want to know what you think about this subject because in school we had very heated debates about this, and I wanted someone else's opinion on this. Thank you!:)

Dear Amanda: You've asked several different questions here. I think it would be great to live forever because I would love to see how the world changes in the future through history, art, music, psychology, etc. and also. how my children and grandchildren fared. I would love to be able to dole out advice to them forever (even though they may not always appreciate it). I don't think life ever gets boring. Life is what you make of it. 

As for being in your 90's - many people who are in their 90's are in perfectly good health and still have keen minds. Most elderly people do not want to leave this earth any more than you or I do. We cling to life fiercely, no matter what. I agree that it might be sad to see your friends and family members die, but perhaps after awhile, you would just see it as the natural cycle of life. If you moved around and traveled, it might not be quite so soul-crushing, and you could live many lifetimes in one.

However, since it's not possible to live forever, it's sort of a pointless argument, in my opinion. I would suggest that you concentrate on more realistic topics, such as how to live in the here and now, as well as planning for a non-immortal future. It will be here before you know it. Take it from a non-quite-elderly person, time moves a lot faster as you get older.  Thanks for writing!!

Please note: this is an opinion column. Our Dr. Marlena is not a real doctor, so she does not know medicine, law, etc.

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Page proofread by Laura 7/7/09

Page updated 7/22/14

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