Lisa's Inside Pine Valley From The TV MegaSite
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Inside Pine Valley

This week, I would like to start out saying how sad it is to have All My Children leave the East Coast. All the best to the show and all involved.

Kudos to the show for casting Natalie Hall as Colby Chandler. Loving her and wish her the best of luck!! I am saddened, however, that Brianne Moncrief was let go........I am a big fan of hers!! She will be missed and I wish her the very best!!!

Belated Congrats to Alicia Minshew (Kendall) and her husband Richie on the birth of their daughter, Willow Lenora. I wish them every blessing!!

Ryan and Erica.......... I am not happy with this new couple. Your daughter's ex....... I am sorry but that is just not right even for soaps. I know it has been done before on various occasions, but does not sit well with me...

Annie and Scott??? I would love that pairing... But is Annie redeemable for the honest and responsible Scott........ I am thinking yes; but Annie has never shown to want to change her ways..........

That is it for now.... Until the next time we go INSIDE PINE VALLEY!!!

Take care!!!!!! :)

Page updated 5/25/10

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